Various Fixes + Linux Version
Hyperspace Deck Command 0.300 (Demo 1)
-Initial demo release
Hyperspace Deck Command 0.301 (Demo 1)
-Attempted to clarify how cards apply/inflict status effect on mouse over tooltips and inspect.
-All mine effects no longer deal their damage before a unit attacks.
-Nerfed most mine apply cards.
-Cluster MDS now has Consume 3.
-Nerfed Disposable Generator and Disposable Projector
-Several other cards rebalanced.
-EM Dreadnought now gains shield when advancing an orbit.
-Endless encounter waves now spawn additional enemies.
-Fixed containment shield visuals persisting after unit death.
-Fixed tiny guns on fabricator spawn.
-Fixed exiting card get state through exit button sometimes ending card get phase. (?)
-Fixed unit inspection remaining enabled while in card get / deck overview state.
-Fixed "apply to all allies" abilities not excludin fabricator.
-Fixed Con Citicen Class deploying intercept mines instead of defense mines (traitor!).
-Fixed some problems with music fading during pause.
-Fixed adaptive cam zoom not taking effect directly after changing resolution.
-Fixed some problems with resolution change, cam overlay and scene background.
-Fixed multi target cards also targeting wrecks from units that died on current target orbit.
-Fixed units target updates failing if they happen while player is holding card or unit.
-Fixed scenarios where ram-attack units could become trapped in eternal flight.
-Fixed a sitation where multiple overview cards would enter inspect state simultaneously.
-Fixed a situation in which redraw would be enabled during pre-combat phases (?).
-Fixed energize not carrying over to unit timer once it depletes all unit EMP.
-Fixed a problem causing instant-death units to explode multiple times when hit by multiple shots.
-Fixed some potential issues with units not updating their current target after another unit dies.
-Fixed redraw remaining enabled while in inspect and deck overview mode.
-Fixed some issues with unit orbit position not updating correctly after a unit dies.
-Fixed units with effects but no attack showing "no target" on action.
-Fixed a problem with containment visuals not showing if re-applying containment after it has been depleted.
-Fixed 0 damage cards not triggering bonus damage from AM seed.
Hyperspace Deck Command 0.302 (Demo 1)
-First encounter starts with more units now.
-AM Seed bonus damage now only applies when being target by card that can have damage (any cards with damage icons, but not mines/radiation etc).
-Added inspect text for a couple more effects.
-Fixed player being able to initiate redraw and encounter start on first map screen.
-Fixed map elements remaining intractable if entering deck overview while system map is active.
-Fixed inspecting deployed units being becoming inaccessible in certain circumstances.
-Fixed some incorrect damage calculations related to mines and other circumstances.
-Fixed a problem with status icons that get removed simultaneously.
-Fixed a problem with ram ship self damage.
-Fixed Shock Spire not update target status ui quick enough.
-Fixed radiation damage not instantly destroying constructs.
-Fixed bad attachment aiming when inspecting deployed units that telegraph imminent attacks.
-Fixed intercept mines icon being badly displayed on unit inspect.
Hyperspace Deck Command 0.303 (Demo 1)
-Added screen glitch system.
-You can now change what orbit the camera focuses on by clicking the orbit select arrows.
-You can now pan the camera by mousing near top and bottom of the screen.
-Fixed retaliate units triggering against units that do not inflict hits.
-Fixed redraw remaining enabled while in deck overview mode.
-Fixed some animation problems with unit missile launcher weapons.
-Fixed ui/card layer not scaling correctly with resolution.
-Fixed some typos
Get Hyperspace Deck Command (Open Alpha)
Hyperspace Deck Command (Open Alpha)
Sci-fi deckbuilder with dual-use status effects.
Status | Released |
Author | sleeper_games |
Tags | Deck Building, Roguelite, Sci-fi, Space, Turn-based Strategy |
Languages | English |
More posts
- Hyperspace Deck Command: Open Alpha Now Available!15 days ago
- Hyperspace Deck Command: 2024 Progress Report95 days ago
- Hyperspace Deck Command Demo Released!Mar 25, 2024
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